Website Development for Blog Bazar Boston

We created design and tested conversion rate

Olá pessoal! É com muita alegria que venho estreiar o Blog do Bazar Oficial, onde vocês poderão estar acompanhando meus posts de diversos assuntos e empresas indicadas por mim. No Blog vocês também podem postar seus depoimentos de como o Bazar ajudou a sua vida ou o seu negócio, espaço para postar reclamações (Reclame Aqui), conferir fotos de eventos onde o Bazar está presente e muito mais.



  • Development site for Blog Bazar Boston
  • The output of search queries in the top 10 of Google
  • An increase in site traffic from search engines and contextual advertising
  • Increase services sales

The first milestone was the construction of the site structure, taking into account the semantic core and analysis of competitors’ sites. The terms of reference for filling into account all the necessary parameters of usability.

  • Attendance per month 16 341 people
  • Attendance growth is 1 624%
  • Number of requests is 1 950
  • Increase in the number of requests 2 100%
  • Search phrases in the top-10 is 88%
For the website has been developed convenient logical structure for a positive interaction with potential customers and to cover the greatest number of search phrases.
It was conducted A / B testing to select the optimal tariff plans and to find most conversional forms of  orders.
Due to the positive experience with search traffic, it was decided to launch an advertising campaign on Facebook